Alexis Engelke

engelke ÄŦ tum DOT de
Technische Universität München; Informatik 25
Boltzmannstr. 3; 85748 Garching b. München; Germany


Alexis Engelke is a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Data Science and Engineering at Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he also earned his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in 2021. He conducts research on efficient processing of data on modern hardware architectures. Previous research areas include dynamic binary translation and optimization. His general research interests include (parallel) performance optimization, reverse engineering, and low-level aspects of modern processor architectures in general.

Research Interests


Former projects, no longer active:


For a list of courses and supervised students, see here.

Publications and Talks

For a list of publications and talks, see here.
